What is BluCon
BluCon is an electronic device which reads Near Field Communication (NFC) tags and sends data to any Bluetooth-enabled connected device. Especially relevant to diabetic management, BluCon works with Abbott FreeStyle Libre, Libre 2 and FreeStyle Libre pro sensors to help diabetic patients view their glucose reading on mobile phones (iPhone and Android) and Smart watches every 5 minutes
Direct to Watch
Now NightRider and LinkBluCon app works with Apple watch to display glucose readings from the FreeStyle Libre, Libre 2 and Libre Pro sensors on Apple watch without the iPhone.
This will help parents of the millions of Type 1 diabetic children monitor glucose levels on FollowBluCon app when the child is away.

How to use
After the initial setup of Ambrosia’s NightRider and LinkBluCon app on the iPhone, the user can change the mode to Apple Watch on LinkBluCon’s settings screen, this will switch the NightRider connection from the iPhone to Apple Watch and will start displaying glucose readings on Apple Watch without the phone. If Apple Watch has a cellular connection, parents can install FollowBluCon app on their phone and , after setup, will be able to see glucose readings updates of their child every five minutes.
Choose your BluCon

User Friendly
The sensor is painless to apply and comfortable to wear. It is also water resistant — so you can swim, shower, exercise and so on without bothering to remove it each time.

BluCon is about the size of three stacked quarters. Hence, the sensor attached to it can be scanned discreetly — even through clothing.