Getting Started With Linkblucon App On Fitbit Watch

Step 1: Open the Fitbit app on the Android/iPhone. Connect and Setup your Fitbit watch.

Step 0: The android phone and Fitbit watch must be paired as shown in this link

Step 2: Click on your watch icon from the FitBit app Dashboard.

Step 3: Open Gallery

Step 4: Search for LinkBluCon in all apps, and Install.

Step 5: Allow all the Permissions and Install the LinkBlucon app.

Step 6: Tap on Settings.

Step 7: Add LinkBluCon Credentials. Make sure it is case sensitive.

Step 8: Open the LinkBluCon app on FitBit Watch.

Wait for a few Seconds if you open the app for the first time. Your LinkBluCon app on the Fitbit watch is ready to use now.

Extra, By Tap on Glucose value (in this case 80), you can see the history of the last 2 hours readings. And, for going to Dashboard again Tap on Back.